Sunday, August 29, 2010

Primavera Project Planner By Paul E Harris

Primavera Project Planner By Paul E Harris

a P3 ebook providing knowledge of understanding the software under the following chapters

  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a Project Plan
  3. Creating Project & Setting Up the Software
  4. Defining Calender
  5. Activity Codes
  6. Adding Activities
  7. Formatting The Display
  8. Assigning Activity Codes and Organizing
  9. Organizing Activities
  10. Adding the Logic
  11. Constrains
  12. Filters & Layouts
  13. Printing & Reports
  14. Tracking The Progress
  15. Scheduling Option & Out of Sequence Progress
  16. Activity IDs ,WBS and ALIAS
  17. Creating & Using Resources
  18. Using Activity Types & Driving Resources
  19. Statusing Project with Resources
  20. Resources Histograms & Tables
Download/View Primavera Project Planner Ebook

Construction Project Management Handbook

Construction Project Management Handbook


  1. Introduction to Project
  2. Project Development
  3. Project Initiation
  4. Planning,Enivromental Clearance ,Real State Aquistion
  5. Design
  6. Construction
  7. Commissioning
  8. Project Closeout
  9. Project Support

Download /View Construction Project Management Handbook

Primavera Project Planner Tutorial

Primavera Project Planner Tutorial By A.Blakey
a Primavera Project Planner ebook

This Primavera ebook consists of 10 chapters under the following titles

1. Introduction
2. Getting Started
3. Entering Your First Activities
4. Establishing Your Layout
5. Developing The Programme
6. Organising The Programme
6.1 Organizing by Work Breakdown Structure
6.2 Organizing by Activity Code
7. Filtering the Programme
8. Resources
9. Progress Reporting
10. Conclusion

Download P3 ebook

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

MSProject 2007 Training Videos

MS Project 2007 Tutorials (Essential Training Videos)
Covering everything from the basics of project management to the ins and outs of integrating Project 2007 with other Office applications, Project 2007 Essential Training is a comprehensive and valuable course. Instructor Lorna A. Daly teaches users how to work with Project 2007 to best analyze and manage business ventures of any scope. She explains how to organize resources and assign work, how to streamline processes and resolve project conflicts, and how to customize and optimize Project 2007 for future tasks. Exercise files accompany the tutorials.

Download Ms Project Tutorials Free
Download Ms Project Essential Trainings

Download ArchiCAD 13 with Crack-Engine

ArchiCAD 13 Setup(32bit/64bit) with Crack Engine
is an architectural BIM CAD software for Macintosh and Windows developed by the Hungarian company Graphisoft. Development started in 1982 for the original Apple Macintosh.

ArchiCAD is recognized as the first CAD product on a personal computer able to create both 2D drawings and parametric 3D geometry.In its debut in 1987 ArchiCAD also became the first implementation of BIM under Graphisoft' Virtual Building, more than 150,000 architects are using it in the building design industry.

ArchiCAD allows the user to work with data-enhanced parametric objects, often called "smart objects" by users. This differs from the operational style of other CAD programs created in the 1980s. The product allows the user to create a "virtual building" with virtual structural elements like walls, slabs, roofs, doors, windows and furniture. A large variety of pre-designed, customizable objects come with the program.

ArchiCAD allows the user to work with either a 2D or 3D representation on the screen. Two-dimensional drawings can be exported at any time, even though the model in the program's database always stores data in three dimensions. Plans, elevations, and sections are generated from the three dimensional virtual building model and are constantly updated if the user 'rebuilds' the view. Detail drawings are based on enlarged portions of the model, with 2D detail added in. ArchiCAD released its first file exchange based Teamwork solution in its version 5.1 in 1997. Teamwork "2.0" with BIM-server database approach came out in version 13, 2009. In the latter version after first loggin-in only the changes are moved to BIM-server and back from user machines. This way BIM-server and BIM server manager software included in the package enable even worldwide design collaboration and co-ordination.

Graphisoft has just released the next version of its popular BIM application, ArchiCAD 13. It is an exciting release as it includes a server-based collaboration solution, making it the first BIM application to have this capability. With a flexible element reservation system and a technology that detects and transmits only the changed elements between the client computers and the server—shrinking the average data package size from megabytes to kilobytes—ArchiCAD 13 has the potential to revolutionize BIM-based collaboration by allowing team members to work together easily and quickly in real-time on modeling projects, from anywhere in the world where a standard broadband Internet connection is available. Let us explore this technology in depth and look at the other new features in ArchiCAD 13, including 64-bit support, view rotation, embedded libraries, improved curtain wall editing, and various other productivity enhancements.

Other Versions Include

  • 1984 - Radar CH (ArchiCAD 1.0)
  • 1986 - ArchiCAD 2.0
  • 1987 - ArchiCAD 3.0
  • 1988 - ArchiCAD 3.1
  • 1991 - ArchiCAD 4.1
  • 1993 - ArchiCAD 4.12
  • 1994 - ArchiCAD 4.5
  • 1995 - ArchiCAD 4.55
  • 1996 - ArchiCAD 5.0
  • 1997 - ArchiCAD 5.1
  • 1998 - ArchiCAD 6.0
  • 1999 - ArchiCAD 6.5
  • 2001 - ArchiCAD 7.0
  • 2002 - ArchiCAD 8
  • 2003 - ArchiCAD 8.1
  • 2004 - ArchiCAD 9
  • 2006 - ArchiCAD 10
  • 2007 - ArchiCAD 11
  • 2008 - ArchiCAD 12
  • 2009 - ArchiCAD 13
  • 2010 - ArchiCAD 14
ArchiCAD Setup wit Crack

Download ArchiCAD 13

Installation Instruction:
Install the software and then copy and replace the file from engine folder to installation folder

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