Friday, November 26, 2010

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Primavera Project Planner

Download Free Civil Engineering Softwares CS Earthwork

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

arcgis tutorial

Arcgis tutorial

A geographic information system (GIS), geographical information system, or geospatial information system is any system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages, and presents data that are linked to location(s). In the simplest terms, GIS is the merging of cartography, statistical analysis, and database technology. GIS may be used in archaeology, geography, cartography, remote sensing, land surveying, public utility management, natural resource management, precision agriculture, photogrammetry, urban planning, emergency management, navigation, aerial video, and localized search engines.

As GIS can be thought of as a system, it digitally creates and "manipulates" spatial areas that may be jurisdictional, purpose or application oriented for which a specific GIS is developed. Hence, a GIS developed for an application, jurisdiction, enterprise, or purpose may not be necessarily interoperable or compatible with a GIS that has been developed for some other application, jurisdiction, enterprise, or purpose. What goes beyond a GIS is a spatial data infrastructure (SDI), a concept that has no such restrictive boundaries.

Therefore, in a general sense, the term describes any information system that integrates, stores, edits, analyzes, shares, and displays geographic information for informing decision making. GIS applications are tools that allow users to create interactive queries (user-created searches), analyze spatial information, edit data, maps, and present the results of all these operations.[1] Geographic information science is the science underlying the geographic concepts, applications and systems.[2] GIS can be studied in degree and certificate programs at many universities.

Using Geographic Information Systems technology in the Collection, Analysis, and Presentation of Cancer Registry Data: A Handbook of Basic Practices

Download GIS Handbook

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Quantity Surveyors Pocket Book Free download

Free Download "Quantity surveyor's Pocket Book'
A useful guide for Quantity Surveyors/civil engineers and other engineering professionals.
Covering The following usefull chapters

  • The QS and the Construction company
  • Forcasting Costs and Value
  • Measurements and Quantifications
  • Procurement
  • Pricing & Tendering
  • Contract Procedure,Administration and organization
  • Final Account
Download Quantity Surveyor pocket book for free

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Primavera Project Planner By Paul E Harris

Primavera Project Planner Tutorial

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Concrete Techonlogy

Concrete Techonology
this book of concrete technology covers all the basics of concrete that is useful in executing a successful civil engineering project
concrete basic ebook covers the following chapters

  1. Concrete Materials
  2. Concrete Properties
  3. Concrete Testing
  4. Ordering Concrete
  5. Proportioning and Mixing Concrete
  6. Planning and Site Preparation
  7. Transporting and Placing Concrete
  8. Compacting Concrete
  9. Finishing Concrete
  10. Curing Concrete
  11. Joints in Concrete
  12. Hot and Cold Weather Concreting
  13. Surface Finishes on Concrete
  14. Defects in Concrete
  15. Removing Stains from Concrete
  16. Cracking in Concrete
  17. Reinforced Concrete
  18. Formwork
Download Concrete Technology basics ebooks

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EuroCode - Structural Design Codes - Civil Engineering

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Plates and Shells ebook - civil engineering/structural engineering ebooks download

Download Free Civil Engineering ebooks

STRAP2009 & BEAMD2008 - Civil engineering softwares download

Download Free Civil Engineering Softwares CS Earthwork

Download Beam2d -Civil egineering software

STRAP2009 & BEAMD2008 - Civil engineering softwares download

Download Retwall - a Portable civil engineering software for designing and analyzing retaining wall

Archon Structural Toolbox - Civil engineering portable software for various civil engineering properties calculations

DTBeam - a portable civil engineering software for the anlysis of beams

DTColumn - Free Column design and interaction curve software

Free Civil Engineering Softwares - WS Sies V3.0

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Download eurocode

Download Eurocode 1 - 4
Download Eurocode 5-9

Eurocode Basis Of Structural Design
Eurocode 2 Design of concrete structures. Concrete bridges
Eurocode 2-3 Design of Precast concrete structures
Eurocode 3 design of steel structures 6
Eurocode 3 design of steel structures 1
Eurocode 3 Manual for the design of steelwork building structures (November 1989)
Eurocode 4 design of composite steel and concrete structures
Eurocode 6 Design Of Masonry Structures 4
Eurocode 8 - prEN 1998-4_ 2003 [Silos, tanks and pipelines]
Eurocode 9 Design Of Aluminium Structures
and much more

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Free Civil Engineering Softwares - WS Sies V3.0

Download Free Civil Engineering software - WS Sies V3.0
A Portable civil engineering software for calculating base shear force and other siesmic related designs
Download WS Sies - a civil engineering software

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Download Free Civil Engineering Softwares CS Earthwork

Download Beam2d -Civil egineering software

STRAP2009 & BEAMD2008 - Civil engineering softwares download

Download Retwall - a Portable civil engineering software for designing and analyzing retaining wall

Archon Structural Toolbox - Civil engineering portable software for various civil engineering properties calculations

DTBeam - a portable civil engineering software for the anlysis of beams

DTColumn - Free Column design and interaction curve software

Download Free Civil Engineering Softwares CS Earthwork

Download CS Earthwork - Free Civil Engineering softwares
Click Here to Download CS Earthwork

Related Posts:

Download Beam2d -Civil egineering software

STRAP2009 & BEAMD2008 - Civil engineering softwares download

Download Retwall - a Portable civil engineering software for designing and analyzing retaining wall

Archon Structural Toolbox - Civil engineering portable software for various civil engineering properties calculations

DTBeam - a portable civil engineering software for the anlysis of beams

DTColumn - Free Column design and interaction curve software

Download Beam2d -Civil egineering software

Beam2d Download Free
EngiLab Beam.2D is an easy-to-use yet powerful engineering tool for the linear static analysis of plane frames for Windows. It features a Full GUI (Graphical User Interface) for pre-processing or post-processing and uses the Finite Element Method (FEM) for plane frames for its analysis purposes. The Multilingual (ML) Edition features full multilingual operation. Languages supported in this version include:

Click here to download Beam 2D for free

Related Posts:

STRAP2009 & BEAMD2008 - Civil engineering softwares download

Download Retwall - a Portable civil engineering software for designing and analyzing retaining wall

Archon Structural Toolbox - Civil engineering portable software for various civil engineering properties calculations

DTBeam - a portable civil engineering software for the anlysis of beams

DTColumn - Free Column design and interaction curve software

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Petronas Twin Tower

Download Megastructure The Petronas Twin Towers Documentry
The Petronas Twin Towers (Malay: Menara Berkembar Petronas) (also known as the Petronas Towers or just Twin Towers, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were the world's tallest buildings from 1998 to 2004, when their height was surpassed by Taipei 101. The towers remain the tallest twin buildings in the world.
The Petronas Twin Towers were the tallest buildings in the world until Taipei 101 was completed in 2004, as measured to the top of their structural components (spires, but not antennas). Spires are considered integral parts of the architectural design of buildings, to which changes would substantially change the appearance and design of the building, whereas antennas may be added or removed without such consequences. The Petronas Twin Towers remain the tallest twin buildings in the world.
The Willis Tower (formerly the Sears Tower) and the World Trade Center towers were each constructed with 110 occupied floors – 22 more than the Petronas Twin Towers’ 88 floors. The Willis Tower and the World Trade Center’s roofs and highest occupied floors substantially exceeded the height of the roof and highest floors of the Petronas Twin Towers. The Willis Tower’s tallest antenna is 247.4 ft taller than the Petronas Twin Towers’ spires. However, in accordance to CTBUH regulations and guidelines, the antennas of the Willis Tower were not counted as part of its architectural features. The spires on the Petronas Towers are included in the height since they are not antenna masts. Therefore, the Petronas Twin Towers exceed the official height of the Willis Tower by 10 m, but the Willis Tower has more floors and much higher square footage.
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Megastructure - The Impossible Bridge Documentry by National Geographic

Megastructure - The Impossible Bridge Documentry by National Geographic

Rio–Antirrio bridge

The 2,880 m (9,449 ft) long bridge dramatically improves access to and from the Peloponnese, which could previously be reached only by ferry or via the isthmus of Corinth at its extreme east end. Its width is 28 m (92 ft) — it has two vehicle lanes per direction, an emergency lane and a pedestrian walkway. Its five-span four-pylon cable-stayed portion of length 2,252 m (7,388 ft) is the world's second longest cable-stayed deck; only the deck of the Millau Viaduct is longer at 2,460 m (8,071 ft). However, as the latter is also supported by bearings at the pylons apart from cable stays, the Rion-Antirion bridge deck might be considered the longest cable-stayed "suspended" deck.

This bridge is widely considered to be an engineering masterpiece owing to several solutions applied to span the difficult site. These difficulties include deep water, insecure materials for foundations, seismic activity, the probability of tsunamis, and the expansion of the Gulf of Corinth due to plate tectonics.

Due to the peculiar conditions of the straits, several unique engineering problems needed to be considered. The water depth reaches 65 m, the seabed is mostly of loose sediment, the seismic activity and possibility of tectonic movement is significant, and the Gulf of Corinth is expanding at a rate of about 30 mm a year. For these reasons, special construction techniques were applied. The piers are not buried into the seabed, but rather rest on a bed of gravel which was meticulously leveled to an even surface (a difficult endeavor at this depth). During an earthquake, the piers should be allowed to move laterally on the seabed with the gravel bed absorbing the energy. The bridge parts are connected to the pylons using jacks and dampers to absorb movement; too rigid a connection would cause the bridge structure to fail in the event of an earthquake. It was also important that the bridge not have too much lateral leeway either so as not to damage the piers. There is provision for the gradual expansion of the strait over the bridge's lifetime.

Download Megastructures

Download Free Archview GIS 3.2

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Definition for a geographic information system is that it is known for creating and managing spatial data and associated attributes. This system is capable of integrating, storing, editing, analyzing, and displaying geographically-referenced information. In a more generic sense, GIS is a "smart map" tool that allows users to create interactive queries (user created searches), analyze the spatial information, and edit data.

A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.

GIS allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts.

A GIS helps you answer questions and solve problems by looking at your data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared.

GIS technology can be integrated into any enterprise information system framework.

IS has demonstrated real business value, or return on investment (ROI). During the last 30 years companies, agencies, academic institutions, and governments worldwide have implemented GIS programs to take advantage of these benefits.

Download Archview GIS

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Siesmic Analysis

Siesmic Analysis

Download Civil Engineering Free Ebooks - Siesmic Analysis

  • Statistical seismic response analysis and reliability design of nonlinear structure system
  • Displacement-based seismic analysis for out-of-plane bending of unreinforced masonry walls
  • Efficient three-dimensional seismic analysis of a high-rise building structure with shear walls
  • Material Modelling In The Seismic Response Analysis For The Design Of Rc Framed Structures
  • Push-over analysis for performance-based seismic design
  • Risk analysis of landfill design response to seismic loading
  • Seismic Analysis And Desing Of Industrial Chimneys
  • Seismic Analysis Modeling to Satisfy Building Codes
  • Seismic Analysis Of Cantilever Retaining Walls, Phase I Erdcitl Tr-02-3
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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Prestress & Precast Concrete

Prestress Concrete - Precast Concrete
Free Download the following book

  1. PCI_Precast & prestressed concrete handbook
  2. Plant-Precast Structural Concrete
  3. Precast Prestressed Concrete Horizontally Curved Bridge Beams
  4. Section properties and member resistances to Eurocode 3
  5. Shear Buckling Analysis
  6. Worked Examples For The Design Of Steel Structures (Eurocode)
  7. Victor Saouma - Matrix Structural Analysis
  8. Volume 2 The Mechanics of Elastic and Plastic Deformation of Solids and Structural Materials
  9. Mechanics of Structural Elements
  10. naca-tn-3781-Buckling of flat plates
  11. naca-tn-3783-Buckling of curved plates and shells
  12. Practices for Pier and Intermediate Diaphragms of Precast Concrete Girder Bridges
Download Free Civil Engineering ebooks

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Plates and Shells

Download Free civil Engineering ebooks relating to "Plates and Shells"
This post contains the following civil engineering books

  1. Elastic Stability of Plates -Plate Buckling Analysis
  2. Theory Of Plates And Shells By Timoshenko
  3. Thermo-Dynamics of Plates and Shells (Springer 2007)
  4. The Theory of Piezoelectric Shells and Plates, N. N. Rogachev
  5. Plates_and_Shells

Download Civil Engineering books

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Friday, November 5, 2010

Download Free Civil Engineering ebooks

Civil Engineering ,Structural Analysis,geotechnical and soil mechanics ,Earthquake resistant/seismology Free ebooks download
This Download contain the following ebooks

  1. Concrete Dams- Seismic Analysis, Design and Retrifitting
  2. Introduction To The Finite Elements Method
  3. Developments in seismic structural analysis and design
  4. Finite Element II, solid mechanics_Victor E.Saouma_2001
  5. Finite Element Method using Pro ENGINEER and ANSYS
  6. Finite Volume Methods For Hyperbolic Problems - R. Leveque (Cambridge, 2004) WW
  7. Finite Element Method Programming With Mathematica(airplane design)
  8. Behaviour of precast concrete floor slabs exposed to standar
  9. Behaviour of precast reinforced concrete pile caps
  10. A modal pushover analysis procedure for estimating seismic demands for buildings
  11. A Comparative Study Of International Building Code Seismic Analysis Methods With Case Studies
  12. [Terzaghi] Unsaturated Soil Mechanics (2007)
  13. (e-book CFD) - Computational Fluid Dynamics Algorithms for Hydraulic Engine
  14. Composite beam design to Eurocode 4
  15. A Comparative Study Of International Building Code Seismic Analysis Methods With Case Studies
  16. Continuum Mechanics and Elements of Elasticity Structural Mechanics_Victor E.Saouma_1998(243)
  17. Introduction to Structural Dynamics & Aeroelasticity
  18. Finite Volume Methods For Hyperbolic Problems - R. Leveque (Cambridge, 2004) WW
  19. 2-Problems Of Structural Optimization For Post-Buckling Behaviour
  20. Advanced Structural Dynamics And Active Control Of Structures
  21. A New Dimension In Precast Prestressed Concrete Bridges For Congested Urban Areas In High Seismic Zones
  22. Basic Concepts In Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos
  23. Buckling of plates
and much more civil engineering useful ebooks

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