Sunday, October 31, 2010

STRAP2009 & BEAMD2008 - Civil engineering softwares download

Download STRAP2009 & BEAMD2008 - Civil Engineering softwares

Download STRAP2009 and BeamD2008

Download Retwall - a Portable civil engineering software for designing and analyzing retaining wall

Dowanload Retwall Software Setup
Retwall - a Civil Engineering sofware that can be used for designing and analyzing a retaining wall for a given load. You can select any type of the wall (earth retaining or flood wall), and perform a stability analysis, calculate the bearing pressure, compute the overturning and other moments, find active and passive pressures, design rebar in the wall. This software also allows you to check concrete tensile stress to determine if a given wall is a gravity wall or requires structural reinforcemen. In addition, RetWall includes a soil database editor, as well as a concrete property editor.

Download Retwall

Archon Structural Toolbox - Civil engineering portable software for various civil engineering properties calculations

Archon Structural Toolbox is a civil engineering software that contains sub programs that the structural engineer and civil engineer uses . Archon Structural Toolbox contains numerous functions such as , natural frequency calculator,section property calculator, , minimum weld sizes,concrete mix spec generator, bolt edge distances,rebar database,thermal expansion calculator,slenderness K values,units conversion, material weight database, wire and sheet metal gage dimensions.

Download Free Archon Structural Toolbox

DTBeam - a portable civil engineering software for the anlysis of beams

Download DTBeam Software for anlaysis of continuous beams
This is a very powerful, yet very easy to use, continuous beam analysis program.

Download DTBeam Software - a portable civil engineering software for the analysis of

DTColumn - Free Column design and interaction curve software

Download DTCoulomn software for drawing interaction curve of RCC Column

This program quickly and easily calculates reinforced concrete column interaction diagrams.
It creates interaction diagram of circular column which have reinforcing steel evenly distributed about circular perimeter

Download DTColumn Software

Handbook of Concrete Engineering

Download Free Handbook of Concrete Engineering

Learn Matlab - A useful matlab ebook

Download Matlab useful ebook for free

This book covers the following chapters

  1. Installing MATLAB
  2. Introduction
  3. Matrices and Arrays
  4. Overview of MATLAB Plotting
  5. Flow Control
  6. Creating Graphical User Interfaces
  7. Desktop Tools and Development Environment
  8. Introducing the Symbolic Math Toolbox
  9. Using the Symbolic Math Toolbox
Download Matlab Free ebook "Learn Matlab" by Mathworks

MATLab Signlas and System ebook

Download MATLab free ebook "Signals and system with MATLab"
includes step by step procedure for designing analog and digital filters
This book contains the following chapters

  1. Elementary Signals
  2. Laplace Transformation
  3. Inverse Laplace Transformation
  4. Circuit Analysis with Laplace Transforms
  5. State Variables and State Equations
  6. The impulse response and convolution
  7. Fourier Series
  8. Fourier Transforms
  9. DFT and FFT algorithm
  10. Analog and digital filter
and much more useful chapters.
Each chapter contains numerous practical applications supplemented with detailed instructions for using MATLAB to obtain quick soloutions.

Download "Signals and system with MATLAB" ebook

Download Using Staad Pro. ebook

Using STAAD PRO ebook download

Download this ebook

Design of Steel Structure Using Staad Pro - Download ebook

Download Staad Pro ebook about Designing of Steel Structure Using Staad Pro.
A step by step procedure of designing steel structure in Staad Pro
STAAD is a comprehensive structural engineering software that addresses all aspects of structural engineering analysis,design,verification and visualization
STAAD performs the analysis and design of the structure for different types of structures such as trusses ,plane,space and floors.

Design of Steel Structure Using STAAD Pro -Download ebook

Saturday, October 30, 2010

civil engineering ebooks

Civil Engineering ebooks
Scour Technology-Mcgraw Hill Civil Engineering Series

Prediction and Management of Water Erosion of Earth Materials by
George W.Annandale,D.Ing.,P.E.,D.WRE

Download Mcgraw Hill Civil Engineering ebook of Scour Technology

Sybex AutoCAD 2008 ebook

Download Sybex AutoCAD 2008 ebook by
David Frey
Jon Mcfarland

Contents of the book:

  1. Getting to Know AutoCAD
  2. Learning Basic Commands to Get Started
  3. Setting Up a Drawing
  4. Gaining Drawing Strategies: Part 1
  5. Gaining Drawing Strategies: Part 2
  6. Using Layers to Organize Your Drawing
  7. Combining Objects into Blocks
  8. Controlling Text in a Drawing
  9. Using Dynamic Blocks and Tables
  10. Generating Elevations
  11. Working with Hatches and Gradients
  12. Dimensioning a Drawing
  13. Managing External References
Download Sybex AutoCAD 2008 ebook
  1. Using Layouts to Set Up a Print
  2. Printing an AutoCAD Drawing
  3. Creating 3D Geometry
  4. Materials and Rendering

Modeling With Autocad-Download ebook

Modeling with AutoCAD Download The most useful ebook of Autocad
This ebook covers the following chapters

  1. Chapter 1 The 3D standard sheet
  2. Chapter 2 Extruded 3D models
  3. Chapter 3 The UCS and 3D coordinate
  4. Chapter 4 Creating a 3D wire-frame m
  5. Chapter 5 The UCS
  6. Chapter 6 The modify commands wit
  7. Chapter 7 Dimensioning in 3D
  8. Chapter 8 Hatching in 3D
  9. Chapter 9 Tiled viewports
  10. Chapter 10 3D views (Viewpoint)
  11. Chapter 11 Model space and paper spa
  12. Chapter 12 New 3D multiple viewport
  13. Chapter 13 Surface modelling
  14. Chapter 14 3DFACE and PFACE
  15. Chapter 14 3DFACE and PFACE
  16. Chapter 15 3DMESH
  17. Chapter 16 Ruled surface
  18. Chapter 17 Tabulated surface
  19. Chapter 18 Revolved surface
  20. Chapter 19 Edge surface
  21. Chapter 20 3D polyline
  22. Chapter 21 3D objects
  23. Chapter 22 3D geometry command
  24. Chapter 23 Blocks and Wblocks in
  25. Chapter 24 Dynamic viewing
  26. Chapter 25 Viewport specific layers
  27. Chapter 26 Shading and 3D orbit
  28. Chapter 27 Introduction to solid modelling
  29. Chapter 28 The basic solid primitives
  30. Chapter 29 The swept solid primitives
  31. Chapter 30 Boolean operations and composite solids
  32. Chapter 31 Composite model 1 – a machine support
  33. Chapter 32 Composite model 2 – a backing plate
  34. Chapter 33 Composite model 3 – a flange and pipe
  35. Chapter 34 The edge primitives
  36. Chapter 35 Solids editing
  37. Chapter 36 Regions
  38. Chapter 37 Inquiring into solids
  39. Chapter 38 Slicing and sectioning solid models
  40. Chapter 39 Profiles and true shapes
  41. Chapter 40 Dimensioning in model and paper space
  42. Chapter 41 A detailed drawing 267
  43. Chapter 42 Blocks, wblocks and external references 273
  44. Chapter 43 The setup commands 286
  45. Chapter 44 The final composite 295
  46. Chapter 45 Rendering 302
  47. Chapter 46 Publishing to the web 312
  48. Chapter 47 Students’ models 316
  49. Activities 323
  50. Index
Download Modeling with Autocad ebook

Friday, October 29, 2010

Download Primavera Project Planner 3

Download Primavera Project Planner P3

Download P3 Setup

P6 Video tutorials

Primavera Project Planner P6 Video tutorials
Installing p6 and others video tutorials

Download P6 Video Tutorials

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pile Design for Structural and Geotech Engineers-ebook

Download "Pile Design for Structural and Geotech Engineers" ebook
This ebook covers the following chapters that helps in designing pile

  1. Soil Investigation and Soil Condition
  2. Pile Types
  3. Selection of Pile Types
  4. Pile Design in Sandy Soil
  5. Pile Design in Clayey Soil
  6. Pile Design Special Situation
  7. Design of Caisons
  8. Design of Pile Groups
  9. Pile Settlement
  10. Pile Design in Rock
  11. Load Distribution inside Piles
  12. Negative Skin friction
  13. Pile Design in expansive soil
  14. Wave Equation Analysis
  15. Vibratory Hammers
  16. Seismic Analysis of Piles
  17. Pile Design Software
  18. Dynamic Analysis
  19. Water Jetting in Piles
  20. Cost Estimation for Pile Driving Projects
  21. Pile Load Tests
  22. underpinning
  23. Offshore Piling
  24. Tie Beams,Grad Beams,Pile Caps
  25. Design Drawings and as-built Drawings
Download " Pile Design for Structural and Geotech Engineers" ebook

Download Primavera Project Planner P6 video tutorials

Download P6 Video Tutorials

Primavera P6 is the most powerful, robust, and easy to use solution for globally prioritizing, planning, managing and executing projects, programs and portfolios. P6 is an integrated project portfolio management (PPM) solution comprising role-specific functionality to satisfy each team member's needs, responsibilities and skills. It provides a single solution for managing projects of any size, adapts to various levels of complexities within a project, and intelligently scales to meet the needs of various roles, functions, or skill levels in your organization.

Primavera P6 (was P5, now P6 v7.0) is a Project Management Software package that is used for managing and controlling project related activities. Resources representing labor, materials and equipment are used to track time and costs for the project. Slippage of projects' activities are updated resulting in the adjustment of time related Gant Bars

Primavera was once mostly used to handle very large and complex projects, especially in the engineering and construction business (e.g. to construct or maintain nuclear power plants). Today (2010),Oracle set a solution that addresses the need of Project Portfolio Management

P6 provides executives with a real-time view of their organization's project, program and portfolio performance. It equips managers with the right blend of usability, power and flexibility to effectively and efficiently execute on projects, and enables individuals across all levels of an organization to analyze, record, and communicate reliable information and make timely, informed decisions.

P6 makes it easy to:
* Select the right strategic mix of projects
* Assure project, IT and corporate governance
* Enhance processes and methods
* Improve project team collaboration
* Measure progress toward objectives
* Complete more projects successfully and with the intended payback.

Download P6 video tutorials

Civil Engineering Design and Construct- a guide for integrating design into construction

Download civil engineering ebook- "civil engineering design and construct"
A guide for integrating design into construction.
This book covers the following chapters

  1. An overview of Design and Construct
  2. Managing the D & C interface
  3. Design and Construct option
  4. Three phase procurement - Contractual framework
  5. Three phase procurement - Pre Tender phase
  6. Three phase procurement -Tender phase
  7. Three phase procurement -Implementation phase
  8. Achieving Value
  9. Single Phase Procurement
Download " Civil Engineering Design and construct " ebook

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Download Revit Architecture most useful ebook

Mastering Revit Architecture 2008 by
Tatjana Dzambazova
Greg Demchak
Eddy Krygiel
This ebook covers the following chapters

  1. Chapter 1 • Understanding BIM: From the Basics to Advanced Realities .
  2. Chapter 2 • Revit Fundamentals
  3. Chapter 3 • Know Your Editing Tools
  4. Chapter 4 • Setting up your templates and Office Standards
  5. Chapter 5 • Customizing System Families and Project Settings in Your Template
  6. Chapter 6 • Modeling Principles in Revit
  7. Chapter 7 • Concept Massing Studies
  8. Chapter 8 • From Conceptual Mass to a Real Building
  9. Chapter 9 • Working with Design Options
  10. Chapter 10 • Creating Custom 3D Content
  11. Chapter 11 • Extended Modeling Techniques
  12. Chapter 12 • Presenting Your Design
  13. Chapter 13 • Fine-Tuning Your Preliminary Design
  14. Chapter 14 • Evaluating Your Preliminary Design: Sustainability
  15. Chapter 15 • Annotating Your Model
  16. Chapter 16 • Developing the Design with Smart Workflows
  17. Chapter 17 • Moving from Design to Detailed Documentation
  18. Chapter 18 • Advanced Detailing Techniques
  19. Chapter 19 • Tracking Changes in Your Model
  20. Chapter 20 • Worksharing
  21. Chapter 21 • Troubleshooting and Optimizing Tips
Download this Revit Architecture ebook

Revit Architecture Default Shortcut Keys list

Download Shortcut Keys list of Revit Architecture

Getting Started with Revit Architecture

Download Revit Architecture free ebook " Getting Started with Revit Architecture"
A useful ebook for Beginners
The book contains the following basic chapters

  1. Introduction . . . . . .
  2. Creating a Project . . .
  3. Creating Walls . . . . .
  4. Creating Terrain . . . .
  5. Adding Exterior Walls .
  6. Adding a Roof . . . . .
  7. Adding Floors . . . . .
  8. Adding Interior Walls .
  9. Adding Doors . . . . .
  10. Adding Windows . . . .
  11. Adding a Curtain Wall .
  12. Attaching Walls to the R
  13. Modifying the Entry De
  14. Adding a Sloped Floor .
  15. Adding Stairs and Railin
  16. Modifying the Roof . .
  17. Documenting the Proje
  18. Creating a Solar Study .
  19. Creating a Sheet . . . .
Download Getting Started with Revit Architecture free ebook

Fundamentals of GIS

GIS free ebook download with the title of "Fundamentals of GIS"

Download Fundamental of GIS ebook

Sunday, October 24, 2010

etabs download

etabs download
etabs tutorial

  1. Introductory Tutorial (27 min)
  2. Drawing/Drafting Controls (9 min)
  3. Staggered Trusses (13 min)
  4. Modeling Shear Walls with Openings (4 min)
  5. Designing Shear Walls with Openings (6 min
  6. Shear Wall Design Options (6 min)
  7. Wall Meshing (6 min)
  8. Steel Frame Optimization for Displacement (4 min)
  9. Linear Ramps (4 min)
  10. Radial Ramps (2 min)
  11. Concrete Frame Design (7 min)
  12. Composite Floor Beams (7 min)
  13. Foundations – ETABS to SAFE (6 min)
  14. Modeling with Section Designer (11 min)
  15. Nonlinear Sequential Construction (4 min)
  16. Panel Zone Deformations (6 min)
  17. Auto Edge Constraints (8 min)
  18. Sections Cuts (2 min)
  19. CIS/2 Step File Export (9 min)



For nearly 30 years, ETABS has been recognized as the industry standard for Building Analysis and Design Software. Today, continuing in the same tradition, ETABS has evolved into a completely Integrated Building Analysis and Design Environment. The System built around a physical object based graphical user interface, powered by targeted new special purpose algorithms for analysis and design, with interfaces for drafting and manufacturing, is redefining standards of integration, productivity and technical innovation.

The integrated model can include Moment Resisting Frames, Braced Frames, Staggered Truss Systems, Frames with Reduced Beam Sections or Side Plates, Rigid and Flexible Floors, Sloped Roofs, Ramps and Parking Structures, Mezzanine Floors, Multiple Tower Buildings and Stepped Diaphragm Systems with Complex Concrete, Composite or Steel Joist Floor Framing Systems. Solutions to complex problems such as Panel Zone Deformations, Diaphragm Shear Stresses, and Construction Sequence Loading are now at your fingertips.

ETABS is the solution, whether you are designing a simple 2D frame or performing a dynamic analysis of a complex high-rise that utilizes non-linear dampers for inter-story drift control.

Steel Frame Design for AISC-ASD & LRFD, UBC, British, Canadian,
Italian and Euro Codes
• Concrete Frame Design for ACI, UBC, British, Canadian, New
Zealand, Indian, Mexican and Euro Codes
• Composite Beam Design for AISC-ASD & LRFD, British and Canadian
• Concrete Shear Wall Design for American, British & Canadian Codes
• Automated Steel Joist (K or KCS) Selection
• Design for Static and Dynamic Loads
• Floor Vibration Analysis with Murray Damping
• Automatic Calculation of Moment Magnification Factors
• Automatic Calculation of K-Factors & P-Delta Effects
• Steel Frame Design Offers Automatic Member Selection
• Seismic Requirements for Special Moment-Resisting Frames
• Automatic Tributary-Area Live Load Reduction
• Graphical Section Designer for Complex and Built-Up Shapes
• Special Moment Beam Types for Steel Frames
• Virtual Work Based Optimization for Lateral Deflections
• Camber and Stud Requirements for Composite Beams
• Grouping for Design Envelopes
• Designed for Biaxial-Moment/Axial-Load Interaction
• Seismic Check of Beam/Column Joints in Concrete Frames
• Automated Effects of Panel-Zone Deformations on Lateral Drift
• Doubler Plate and Continuity Plate Design
• Seismic Design for Concentric/Eccentrically Braced Steel Frames
• Display of Reinforcing for Columns, Beams and 3D Shear Walls
• Shored and Un-Shored Design for Composite Beams

Friday, October 22, 2010

ETABS Tutorial - Design of a building using ETABS

Design of a building using ETABS - a step by step procedure of designing building in ETABS

The book covers designing a building in the following manner

  1. Begin New Model
  2. Add Line Objects
  3. Add Area Objects
  4. Define Static Load Cases
  5. Assign Gravity Loads
  6. Define a Developed Elevation
  7. Assign Wind Load
  8. Review Database Display of input data
  9. Run The Analysis
  10. Graphically View the Analysis Result
  11. Design the Composite beam
  12. Design the Steel Frame
Download ETABS Tutorial

Earthquake Design

Earthquake design;
Design of a Six Storey Building with Siesmic Analysis

Dr. H.J Shah
Department of Applied Mechanics M. S. University of Baroda Vadodara
Dr. Sudhir K Jain
Department of Civil Engineering
dian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Problem Statement:
A six storey building for a commercial complex has plan dimensions as shown in Figure 1. The building is
located in seismic zone III on a site with medium soil. Design the building for seismic loads as per IS 1893
(Part 1): 2002.
Download Step by Step Procedure of Design of a six storey building

Monday, October 18, 2010

ETABS to Revit

Download ETABS to Revit Architecture ebook

Saturday, October 16, 2010

ETABS -Getting Started with ETABS Part2

Download The Step by step Procedure of Designing Tall Buildings using ETABS
Its The second Part of Getting Started with ETABS.

Download ETABS -Getting Started Part2

Friday, October 15, 2010

Design of Tall Building using ETABS

Download ETABS ebook
Design of Tall Buildings using ETABS
Complete step by step procedure used in designing of tall buildings

Download ETABS ebook about designing tall building

ETABS Example:
A pdf ebook explaining step by step procedure of designing buildings

Revit Architecture Metric workbook

Download Revit Architecture best ebook that comprise of 22 units with the following titles

  1. CAD Vs BIM,Revit Introduction,Interface and Sketching
  2. Revit Walls ,Floors,Ceilings (its drafting with modification)
  3. Revit Families and Nested Families
  4. Revit Architecture -Dimensions,Doors and Windows
  5. Revit Views,Visibility and sheets and exporting and importing Drawing in Revit Architecture
  6. Revit Levels,References and Grids
Walk through ,Scheduling and much more

Download Revit Architecture Metric Workbook Version 3

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What is GIS

Download GIS ebook "what is GIS"
Covering basic concepts of GIS

  1. What is Geography
  2. What is DATA
  3. Definition of GIS
  4. What is GPS
  5. Spatial DATA
  6. Database
  7. Visualization
  8. Types of DATA (Raster & Vector Data)
  9. Combining Data From Many Sources
  10. Data For GIS Applications
  11. Data Layers
  12. Turning Data into Information
  13. Linking of Multiple Database
  14. GIS applications
  15. 3D Mine with Well Data
  16. Environmental Monitoring
  17. Site Location
and much more

Download this ebook

Getting Started with GIS

Download GIS ebook "Getting Started with GIS"
A Guide For Munciplity

This book covers the following topics

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Develop GIS
  3. Developing a Single Department GIS
  4. Starting your Multi Deparment GIS Projects
  5. Learning about GIS
  6. The Need Analysis
  7. Database Development
  8. Software
  9. Hardware
  10. Staffing
  11. Funding for GIS
Download "Getting Started with GIS" ebook

ArchiCAD Video Tutorials

Download ArchiCAD free video tutorials

ArchiCAD continues delivering productivity improvements for architects throughout the full cycle of the BIM workflow with a specific focus on completing the integration of the architectural workflow with the engineering world.

Great architecture requires collaboration of all design disciplines. Architects have a central role in coordinating all aspects of their design with other disciplines during the entire design process. ArchiCAD 14 turns IFC technology into full-fledged workflow solutions enabling collaboration with engineers regardless of their discipline or the name and version of the application they prefer working with. This "open" approach to interdisciplinary collaboration greatly broadens designers' options for real Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) resulting in faster delivered projects and significantly less coordination errors.

Download ArchiCAD Video Tutorials

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

Civil Engineering Calculations Handbook by Tyler G. Hicks,PE 2nd edition

  • Step by step calculation procedures
  • Worked out examples throughout
  • New Design Calculations
  • Standard Engineering & SI units

Handbook of Civil Engineering Calculations

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