Thursday, January 27, 2011

Free Cost Estimation Spreadsheet Download

Cost Estimation Spreadsheet download
Download Coloumn estimation spreadsheet

Quantity Estimation of Compound Wall

Download spreadsheet of compound wall estimation
click here to download

Building Estimating

Building Estimating
Download Building Estimate Spreadsheet

Click here to download

Friday, January 14, 2011

Structural Designing

Structural Designing
Structural Spreadsheets containing following Designs

  1. beam Analysis
  2. slab 2way calc
  3. Beam Singly Reinforced.
  4. beam
  5. BeamBox
  6. Braced Column + Strip pad + Isolated footing + Combined footing + Strip beam
  7. Brick Retaining wall
  8. ddm
  9. Deflection
  10. Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure (IBC 2000)
  11. Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure (UBC 97)
  12. Finite Element Beam
  13. Footing
  14. Retaining Wall
  15. Seismic-IBC
  16. Seismic-UBC
  17. Short Column Designer
  18. Super Structure Design of Bridge
  19. SAP2000 Lateral Load Manual
  20. Two Way Slab
  21. WallLateralForce-IBC
  22. WallLateralForce-UBC
  23. Wind-UBC

this link also contains the following along with above analysis and design spreadsheets
Building Engineering ebook
  1. IBC 2003
  2. 2d Frame Analysis
  3. Wind load Lccture
  4. Tall Buildings Documentry
and much more informative civil engineering ebooks and lectures

Download Structural Spreadsheets

Structural Spreadsheets

Structural spreadsheets
Civil Engineering Spreadsheets of the following structures.

  1. BasementColumn
  2. BasementConcreteWall
  3. BasementMasonryWall
  4. BoundarySpringGenerator
  5. BraceGradeBeam
  6. CircularFooting
  7. CombinedFooting
  8. ConcretePier
  9. ConcretePile
  10. ConcreteRetainingWall
  11. ConventionalSlabOnGrade
  12. DeepFooting
  13. EccentricFooting
  14. FixedMomentCondition
  15. Flagpole
  16. FloodWay
  17. FootingAtPiping
  18. FreeStandingWall
  19. GradeBeam
  20. IrregularFootingSoilPressure
  21. LateralEarthPressure
  22. Masonry-Concrete-RetainingWall
  23. MasonryRetainingWall
  24. MRF-GradeBeam(2)
  25. PAD
  26. PileCapBalancedLoads
  27. PileCaps
  28. PlainConcreteFooting
  29. PT-SlabOnGround
  30. RestrainedRetainingWall
  31. RetainingWall-DSA-OSHPD
  32. Shoring
  33. StudBearingWallFooting
  34. TankFooting
  35. TemporaryFootingforRectangularTank
  36. UnderGroundWell
  37. WallFooting
  38. WS Seis Ver 3.0
Download Structural Spreadhseets

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Attention please

This site is under maintenance and will get back soon with more materials... if you do not find your desired data then kindly visit after a week .
thanks for your cooperation.

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