Thursday, March 24, 2011

Autocad 2004

Autocad 2004
AutoCAD is a CAD(Computer Aided Design or Computer Aided Drafting) software application for 2D and 3D Designing and Drafting, developed and sold by Autodesk .inc Initially released in late 1982, AutoCAD was one of the first CAD programs to run on personal computers, and notably the IBM PC. Most CAD software at the time ran on graphics terminals connected to mainframe computers or mini-computers.
In earlier releases, AutoCAD used primitive entities — such as lines, polylines, circles, arcs, and text — as the foundation for more complex objects. Since the mid-1990s, AutoCAD has supported custom objects through its C++ API. Modern AutoCAD includes a full set of basic solid modeling and 3D tools. With the release of AutoCAD 2007 came improved 3D modeling functionality, which meant better navigation when working in 3D. Moreover, it became easier to edit 3D models. The mental ray engine was included in rendering, it was now possible to do quality renderings. AutoCAD 2010 introduced parametric functionality and mesh modeling.
AutoCAD supports a number of application programming interfaces (APIs) for customization and automation. These include AutoLISP, Visual LISP, VBA, .NET and ObjectARX. ObjectARX is a C++ class library, which was also the base for products extending AutoCAD functionality to specific fields, to create products such as AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD Civil 3D, or third-party AutoCAD-based applications.

AutoCAD 2010

Autocad 2010 is one of the most exciting releases in AutoCAD. It offers new features across the board, so that almost everyone will find something valuable.
AutoCAD 2010 has several new features as

Dynamic Blocks

  • More compelling authoring environment
  • Easier to author dynamic blocks
  • flexible and powerful dynamic blocks with Constraint Parameters
  • Easy understanding and later edit authored behavior
  • A Test block without exiting Block Editor
• Added the ability for a CAD Manager to create Advanced User Profiles
• Dynamic paths in the registry
• All user-customizable support files should be installed to Roaming AppData by default
• Allow choice for support content location

AutoCAD Video Tutorials

AutoCAD 2010 Tutorial
Download Free AutoCAD 2010 Video Tutorials

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Using GIS with HEC RAS

HEC-RAS has the ability to import three-dimensional river schematic and cross section data created in a GIS or CADD system.While the HEC RAS software only utilizes two dimensional data during the computations,the 3D information is used in the program for display purposes.After the user has completed a hydraulic analysisi,the computed water surface profiles can be exported back to the GIS or CADD system for development and display of a floodplain map.
The importing and exporting of GIS or CADD data is accomplished through the use of formatted ASCII text files,The text files provide a generic way of exchanging data between GIS/CADD systems and HEC -RAS,without adopting any single GIS/CADD system.
The HEC has developed a set of macros for Arc Info(using Arc Macro Language,AML) that will allow a user to write the geometric data in the required format as well as read the HEC-RAS results and perform the floodplain mapping.

To view more download this chapter

Download GIS with HEC RAS ebook

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

HEC RAS Manual

HEC RAS Working with HEC RAS an overview
HEC RAS is an itergrated package of hydraulic analysis programs,in which the user interacts with the system through the use of a Graphical User Interface.The system is capable of Performing Steady Flow Water surface profile calculations and will include unsteady flow,sediment transport and several hydraulic design computations in the future.
In HEC-RAS terminolgy, a project is a set of data files associated with a particular river system.The modeler can perform any or all of the various types of analyses,included in the HEC RAS package,as part of the project.The data files for a project are categorized as follows;plan data,geometric data,steady flow data,unsteady flow data,sediment data and hydraulic design data.

  • Starting HEC RAS
  • Steps in Developing a Hydraulic Model with HEC RAS
  • Importing HEC-2 Data
  • Reproducing HEC-2 Results
  • Getting and Using Help

Download this HEC RAS ebook

Starting new Project HEC RAS

This Chapter provides an example application ofhow to perfom steady flow water surface profile calculations with HEC-RAS.The user is taken through a step by step procedure of how to enter data,perfom calculations,and view the results.


  • Starting a New Project
  • Entering Geometric Data
  • Entering Steady Flow Data
  • Performing the Hydraulic Calculations
  • Viewing Results
  • Printing Graphics and Tables
  • Exiting the Program
Download HEC RAS Manual


Watercad manual

WaterCAD is a powerful yet easy to use program that helps engineers design and analyze complex
pressurized piping systems. WaterCAD’s powerful graphical interface (both in Stand-Alone and
AutoCAD mode) makes it easy to quickly lay out a complex network of pipes, tanks, pumps, and
more. You can use WaterCAD to:
• Perform steady-state analyses of water distribution systems with pumps, tanks, and control
• Perform extended period simulations to analyze the piping system's response to varying supply
and demand schedules.
• Perform water quality simulations to determine the water source and age, or track the growth
or decay of a chemical constituent throughout the network.
• Perform Fire Flow Analyses on your system to determine how your system will behave under
extreme conditions.
• Use the powerful Scenario Management features to mix and match a variety of "What If?"
alternatives on your system. Create multiple sets of hydraulic, physical property, operational,
initial setting, fire flow, cost, and water quality alternatives. Create and run any number of
scenarios by mixing and matching alternatives, then view and compare the results quickly and
easily with WaterCAD's flexible scenario management feature.


  • What is watercad
  • Installation
  • Learning WaterCAD
  • Contacting Heasted Methods
  • WaterCAD Main Menu
  • Quick Start Lessons
  • Starting a WaterCAD Project
  • Laying Out and Editing Tools
  • Hydraulic Elements Editor
  • Flex Tables
  • Scenarios and Alternatives
  • Modeling Capabilities
  • Cost Estimating
  • Presenting your Results
  • Engineering Libraries
  • GIS and Database Connections
  • Exchanging Data with CAD Software
  • Additional Features of the AutoCAD Version
  • Appendix A - Frequently Asked Questions
  • Appendix B - WaterCAD Theory
  • Appendix C - Scenario Management Guide
  • Appendix D - Haestad Methods Software
Download WaterCAD Manual

HEC RAS output Variables


Download HEC RAS output Variables

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